John Dewey, American
A wing of the Pragmatism Cybrary
Dewey (1859-1952) was an American psychologist, philosopher, educator,
social critic and political activist. He was born in Burlington, Vermont, on 20 October
1859. Dewey graduated from the University of Vermont in 1879, and received his PhD from
Johns Hopkins University in 1884. He started his career at the University of Michigan, teaching
there from 1884
to 1888 and 1889-1894, with a one year term at the University of Minnesota in 1888.
In 1894 he became the chairman of the department of philosophy, psychology, and pedagogy
at the University of Chicago.
In 1899, John Dewey was elected president of the American Psychological Association, and
in 1905 he became president of the American Philosophical Association. Dewey taught at Columbia University from 1905
until he retired in 1929, and occasionally taught as professor emeritus until 1939. During
his years at Columbia he traveled the world as a philosopher, social and political
theorist, and educational consultant. Among his major journeys are his lectures in Japan
and China from 1919 to 1921, his visit to Turkey in 1924 to recommend educational policy,
and a tour of schools in the USSR in 1928. Of course, Dewey never ignored American social
issues. He was outspoken on education, domestic and international politics, and numerous
social movements. Among the many concerns that attracted Dewey's support were women's
suffrage, progressive
education, educator's rights, the Humanistic movement, and world peace. Dewey died in
New York City on 1 June 1952.
Editions of Dewey's writings
Writings by Dewey
Books about Dewey
Websites about Dewey
Lasting Influence
made seminal contributions to nearly every field and topic in philosophy and psychology.
Besides his role as a primary originator of both functionalist and behaviorist psychology,
Dewey was a major inspiration for several allied movements that have shaped 20th century
thought, including empiricism, humanism, naturalism, contextualism, and process
philosophy. For over 50 years Dewey was the voice for a liberal and progressive
democracy that has shaped the destiny of America and the world.
Dewey ranks with the greatest thinkers of this or any age on the subjects of pedagogy,
philosophy of mind, epistemology, logic, philosophy of science, and social and
political theory. His pragmatic approaches to ethics, aesthetics, and religion have also
remained influential.
Dewey's stature is assured as one of the 20th Century's premier philosophers, along
with James, Bradley, Husserl, Russell, Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Sartre, Carnap, and Quine. |

A Philosopher's
Inspired by John
My person returns
to unwind all its threads,
Woven by language into the habits of heads;
An old wearied head must bow down one final eve,
But my lively thought shines in cloth I helped to weave.
Your gift by my leave is but some seeds yet to grow,
Whose value was found in times of need long ago;
Sow all of these seeds in our vast garden with care,
Protect and defend the greater harvest to share.
To view such swift change, see truths melt under new suns,
To watch how scared souls kept on refining their guns;
My nation was home despite such strife with no cease,
My freedom was here while humbly searching for peace.
By trial did I live, by more trial find my thoughts worth,
My death you will get if you conceive no new birth;
No life without doubt, for the best fail now and then,
No rest for my faith, that each new day tests again.
--John Shook
Recent editions of Dewey's
Collected Works of John Dewey, 1882-1953. 37 volumes.
Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1967-1987.
The Early Works,
The Middle Works,
The Later Works,
Electronic edition of the Collected Works on CD-ROM
, published by
Intelex in its Past Masters Collection.
The Correspondence of John
Dewey. 3 volumes. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1999-2004.
Available on CD-ROM,
published by Intelex in its Past Masters Collection.
Volume 1: 1871-1918; Volume 2: 1919-1939; Volume 3: 1940-1953.
The Essential
Dewey. Two volumes.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1998.
Vol. 1, Pragmatism, Education, Democracy.
Vol. 2, Ethics, Logic, Psychology
The Moral Writings
of John Dewey, rev. ed.
Edited by James Gouinlock. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1994.
The Political
Writings of John Dewey.
Edited by Debra Morris and Ian Shapiro. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1993.
Philosophy of John Dewey. Two volumes in one.
Edited by John J. McDermott. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989.
Writings by John Dewey
Psychology (New York: Harper, 1887; revised, 1889; revised, 1891).
Leibniz's New Essays Concerning the Human Understanding: A Critical
Exposition (Chicago: Griggs, 1888).
Applied Psychology: An Introduction to the Principles and Practice of
Education, by Dewey and James Alexander McClellan (Boston: Educational
Publishing Company, 1889).
Outlines of a Critical Theory of Ethics (Ann Arbor: Michigan Register
Publishing Company, 1891).
The Study of Ethics: A Syllabus (Ann Arbor, Mich.: Inland, 1894).
The Psychology of Number and Its Applications to Methods of Teaching
Arithmetic, by Dewey and McClellan, International Education Series, volume
33 (New York: Appleton, 1895; London: Edward Arnold, 1895).
Interest in Relation to Training of the Will, National Herbart Society
Supplement to the Yearbook for 1895 (Bloomington, Ill.: Public School Publishing
Company, 1896); revised as Interest as Related to Will, edited by Charles
A. McMurry (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1899).
The School and Society: Being Three Lectures by John Dewey, Supplemented
by a Statement of the University Elementary School (Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1899; London: P. S. King, 1900; revised and enlarged edition,
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1915; Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1915).
The Child and the Curriculum (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
Studies in Logical Theory, by Dewey and others (Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1903; London: Unwin, 1909).
Ethics, by Dewey and James H. Tufts (New York: Holt, 1908; London:
Bell, 1909; revised edition, New York: Holt, 1932).
How We Think (Boston: Heath, 1910; London: Harrap, 1910); revised as
How We Think, a Restatement of the Relation of Reflective Thinking to the
Educative Process (Boston, New York & London: Heath, 1933; London: Harrap,
The Influence of Darwin on Philosophy, and Other Essays in Contemporary
Thought (New York: Holt, 1910; London: Bell, 1910).
German Philosophy and Politics (New York: Holt, 1915; revised edition,
New York: Putnam, 1942).
Schools of To-Morrow, by John Dewey and Evelyn Dewey (New York:
Dutton, 1915; London: Dent, 1915).
Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education
(New York: Macmillan, 1916; New York: Free Press / London: Collier-Macmillan,
Essays in Experimental Logic (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
Reconstruction in Philosophy (New York: Holt, 1920; London: University
of London Press, 1921; enlarged edition, with a new introduction by Dewey,
Boston: Beacon, 1948).
Human Nature and Conduct: An Introduction to Social Psychology (New
York: Holt, 1922; London: Allen & Unwin, 1922; republished, with a new
introduction, New York: Modern Library, 1930).
Experience and Nature (Chicago & London: Open Court, 1925; revised
edition, New York: Norton, 1929; London: Allen & Unwin, 1929).
The Public and Its Problems (New York: Holt, 1927; London: Allen &
Unwin, 1927); republished as The Public and Its Problems: An Essay in
Political Inquiry (Chicago: Gateway, 1940).
Art and Education, by Dewey, Albert C. Barnes, Laurence Buermeyer, and
others (Merion, Pa.: Barnes Foundation Press, 1929; revised and enlarged, 1947;
revised and enlarged, 1954).
The Quest for Certainty: A Study of the Relation of Knowledge and Action
(New York: Minton, Balch, 1929; London: Allen & Unwin, 1930).
Individualism, Old and New (New York: Minton, Balch, 1930; London:
Allen & Unwin, 1931).
Art as Experience (New York: Minton, Balch, 1934; London: Allen &
Unwin, 1934).
A Common Faith (New Haven: Yale University Press / London: Oxford
University Press, 1934).
Liberalism and Social Action (New York: Putnam, 1935).
Logic: The Theory of Inquiry (New York: Holt, 1938; London: Allen &
Unwin, 1939).
Theory of Valuation, volume 2, no. 4 of International Encyclopedia
of Unified Science, edited by Otto Neurath, Rudolf Carnap, and Charles W.
Morris (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1939).
Freedom and Culture (New York: Putnam, 1939; London: Allen & Unwin,
Knowing and the Known, by Dewey and Arthur F. Bentley (Boston: Beacon,
Shorter Works, Pamphlets, Essays
The Ethics of Democracy, University of Michigan Philosophical Papers,
second series no. 1 (Ann Arbor, Mich.: Andrews, 1888).
Hegel's Philosophy of Spirit: Lectures (Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1897).
The Significance of the Problem of Knowledge (Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1897).
My Pedagogic Creed (New York & Chicago: E. L. Kellogg, 1897).
Psychology and Philosophic Method: The Annual Public Address Before the
Union, May 15, 1899 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1899).
The Method of the Recitation: A Partial Report of a Course of Lectures
Given at the University of Chicago by Professor John Dewey, Privately Printed
for the Use of Classes in Theory at the Oshkosh Normal School (N.p., 1899).
Psychology and Social Practice, University of Chicago Contributions to
Education, no. 11 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1901).
The Educational Situation (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
Ethical Principles Underlying Education (Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1903).
Logical Conditions of a Scientific Treatment of Morality (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1903).
Education, Direct and Indirect (Chicago, 1904).
Moral Principles in Education (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1909).
The Pragmatic Movement of Contemporary Thought: A Syllabus (New York,
Interest and Effort in Education (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913;
Bath, U.K.: Chivers, 1969).
Creative Intelligence: Essays in the Pragmatic Attitude, by Dewey and
others (New York: Holt, 1917)-- includes "The Need for a Recovery of
Philosophy," by Dewey.
Enlistment for the Farm, Columbia War Papers, series 1 no. 1 (New
York: Division of Intelligence and Publicity of Columbia University, 1917).
Letters from China and Japan, by John Dewey and Alice Chipman Dewey;
edited by Evelyn Dewey (New York: E. P. Dutton, 1920; London: Dent, 1920).
China, Japan, and the U.S.A.: Present-Day Conditions in the Far East and
Their Bearing on the Washington Conference, New Republic Pamphlet, no. 1
(New York: Republic Publishing, 1921).
Ideals, Aims, and Methods in Education, by Dewey and others (London &
New York: Pitman, 1922)-- includes "Aims and Ideals of Education," pp. 1-9, by
Outlawry of War: What It Is and Is Not (Chicago: American Committee
for the Outlawry of War, 1923).
What Mr. John Dewey Thinks of the Educational Policies of México
(Mexico City: Talleres Gráficos de la Nación, 1926).
Impressions of Soviet Russia and the Revolutionary World:
Mexico-China-Turkey (New York: New Republic, 1929).
The Sources of a Science of Education (New York: Liveright, 1929).
Contrasts in Education (New York: Teachers College, Columbia
University, 1929).
Construction and Criticism (New York: Columbia University Press, 1930;
London: Oxford University Press, 1930).
American Education Past and Future (Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1931).
Context and Thought, University of California Publications in
Philosophy, volume 12, no. 3 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1931;
London: Cambridge University Press, 1932).
The Way Out of Educational Confusion (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 1931; London: Oxford University Press, 1931).
Are Sanctions Necessary to International Organizations? by Dewey and
Raymond Leslie Buell, Foreign Policy Pamphlet, nos. 82-83 (New York: Foreign
Policy Association, 1932).
Education and the Social Order (New York: League for Industrial
Democracy, 1934).
The Teacher and Society, by Dewey, William H. Kilpatrick, George H.
Hartmann, Ernest O. Melby, and others (New York: Appleton-Century, 1937).
The Case of Leon Trotsky: Report of Hearings on the Charges Made Against
Him in the Moscow Trials by the Preliminary Commission of Inquiry, by Dewey
and others (New York: Harper, 1937; London: Secker & Warburg, 1937).
Not Guilty: Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Charges Made
against Leon Trotsky in the Moscow Trials, by Dewey, Suzanne La Follette,
and Benjamin Stolberg (New York: Harper, 1938; London: Secker & Warburg, 1938).
What Is Democracy? Its Conflicts, Ends and Means, by Dewey, Boyd H.
Bode, and T. V. Smith (Norman, Okla.: Cooperative Books, 1939).
Edited Collections and Posthumous Publications
The School and the Child: Being Selections from the Educational Essays of
John Dewey, edited by J. J. Findlay (London: Blackie, 1906).
Educational Essays, edited by J. J. Findlay (London: Blackie,
1910)--comprises Ethical Principles Underlying Education; Interest in
Relation to Training of the Will; and Psychology and Social Practice.
The Philosophy of John Dewey, edited by Joseph Ratner (New York: Holt,
1928; London: Allen & Unwin, 1929).
Characters and Events: Popular Essays in Social and Political Philosophy,
edited by Joseph Ratner, 2 volumes (New York: Holt, 1929; London: Allen & Unwin,
Philosophy and Civilization (New York: Minton, Balch, 1931; London:
Putnam, 1933).
Experience and Education (London & New York: Macmillan, 1938).
Intelligence in the Modern World: John Dewey's Philosophy, edited,
with an introduction, by Ratner (New York: Random House, 1939).
Education Today, edited, with a foreword, by Ratner (New York: Putnam,
1940; abridged edition, London: Allen & Unwin, 1941).
Problems of Men (New York: Philosophical Library, 1946); republished
as Philosophy of Education (Problems of Men) (Ames, Iowa: Littlefield
Adams, 1956).
The Wit and Wisdom of John Dewey, edited, with an introduction, by A.
H. Johnson (Boston: Beacon, 1949).
John Dewey: His Contribution to the American Tradition, edited by
Irwin Edman (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1955).
The Child and the Curriculum; and, The School and Society,
introduction by Leonard Carmichael (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1956).
Dewey on Education, selected, with an introduction and notes, by
Martin S. Dworkin (New York: Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia
University, 1959).
Dictionary of Education, edited by Ralph B. Winn with a foreword by
John Herman Randall Jr. (New York: Philosophical Library, 1959).
On Experience, Nature, and Freedom: Representative Selections, edited,
with an introduction, by Richard J. Bernstein, Library of Liberal Arts, no. 41
(Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1960).
Theory of the Moral Life, introduction by Arnold Isenberg (New York:
Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1960).
Philosophy, Psychology and Social Practice: Essays, edited, with a
foreword, by Joseph Ratner (New York: Putnam, 1963).
Selected Educational Writings, edited, with an introduction and
commentary, by F. W. Garforth (London: Heinemann, 1966).
Lectures in the Philosophy of Education, 1899, edited, with an
introduction, by Reginald D. Archambault (New York: Random House, 1966).
Lectures in China, 1919-1920, translated and edited by Robert W.
Clopton and Tsuin-Chen Ou (Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1973).
Moral Principles in Education, preface by Sidney Hook (Carbondale:
Southern Illinois University Press / London: Feffer & Simons, 1975 ).
Lectures on Psychological and Political Ethics, 1898, edited, with an
introduction, by Donald F. Koch (New York: Hafner / London: Collier-Macmillan,
John Dewey: The Essential Writings, edited by David Sidorsky (New
York: Harper & Row, 1977).
The Poems of John Dewey, edited with an introduction by Jo Ann
Boydston (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press / London: Feffer &
Simons, 1977).
The Philosophy of John Dewey. Two volumes in one.
Edited by John J. McDermott. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989.
John Dewey on Education. Edited by Reginald D. Archambault. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1990.
Dewey on Education. Edited by Martin Dworkin. New York: Teachers
College Press, 1990.
The School and Society; and, The Child and the Curriculum,
introduction by Philip W. Jackson (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990).
Lectures by John Dewey: Moral and Political Philosophy, 1915-1916.
Edited by Warren J. Samuels and Donald F. Koch. Research in the History of
Economic Thought and Methodology: Archival Supplement No. 1. London: JAI Press,
Lectures on Ethics, 1900-1901, edited, with an introduction, by Donald
F. Koch (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1991).
John Dewey: The Political Writings, edited, with an introduction, by
Debra Morris and Ian Shapiro (Indianapolis: Hackett, 1993).
Philosophy and Education in their Historic Relations. Transcribed
from Dewey's 1910-11 lectures by Elsie Ripley Clapp. Edited by J. J. Chambliss.
Boulder: Westview Press, 1993.
The Moral Writings of John Dewey, edited, with an introduction and
notes, by James Gouinlock (New York: Hafner, 1976; revised edition, Amherst,
N.Y.: Prometheus, 1994).
Principles of Instrumental Logic: John Dewey's Lectures in Ethics and
Political Ethics, 1895-1896, edited by Donald F. Koch (Carbondale: Southern
Illinois University Press, 1998).
The Essential Dewey, edited by Larry A. Hickman and Thomas M.
Alexander, 2 volumes (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1998)--comprises
volume 1, Pragmatism, Education, Democracy and volume 2, Ethics,
Logic, Psychology.
How We Think: A Restatement of the Relation of Reflective Thinking to the
Educative Process, foreword by Maxine Greene (Boston: Houghton Mifflin,
A Partial Dewey Bibliography, 1882-1921
by Robert Throop and Lloyd Gordon Ward
- "The metaphysical assumptions of materialism," Journal of Speculative
Philosophy, 16 (1882): 208-213.
- "The pantheism of Spinoza," Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 16 (1882):
- "Knowledge and the relativity of feeling," Journal of Speculative Philosophy
17, (1883): 56-70.
- "Kant and philosophical method," Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 18
(1884): 162-174.
- "The new psychology," Andover Review, 2 (1884): 278-289.
- "The obligation to knowledge of God," The Monthly Bulletin [Students'
Christian Association, University of Michigan], 6 (1884): 23-25.
- "Education and the health of women," Science 6 (1885): 341-342.
- "Psychology in high-schools from the standpoint of the college," Paper 1886
[Michigan Schoolmasters' Club] (1886): 4 pp.
- "The place of religious emotion," The Monthly Bulletin [Students'
Christian Association, University of Michigan], 8 (1886): 23-25.
- "The psychological standpoint," Mind 11, (1886): 1-19.
- "Health and sex in higher education," Popular Science Monthly, 28,
(1886): 153-173.
- "Soul and body," Bibliotheca Sacra 43 (1886): 239-263.
- "Psychology as philosophic method" Mind 11, (1886): 153-173.
- "Inventory of Philosophy taught in American colleges," Science 8, (1886):
- Psychology. New York: Harper & Brothers (1887).
- "Illusory Psychology," Mind, 12 (1887): 83-88.
- "Ethics and Physical Science," Andover Review 7, (1887): 573-591.
- "Review of G.T. Ladd, Elements of Physiological Psychology," New
Englander and Yale Review, 46 (1887): 528-537.
- "Knowledge as idealisation," Mind, 12 (1887): 382-396.
- Leibniz's New Essays Concerning the Human Understanding: A critical
exposition. Chicago: S.C. Griggs & Company (1888).
- The Ethics of Democracy [University of Michigan Philosophical Papers,
Second Series, No. 1.]. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Andrews & Company (1888).
- "The late Professor Morris," The Palladium 31 (1889): 110-118.
- Applied Psychology: An Introduction to the Principles and Practice of
Education. Boston: Educational Publishing Company (1889). Co-authored with
James Alexander McLellan.
- "The philosophy of Thomas Hill Green," Andover Review 11, (1889) 337-355.
- "The lesson of contemporary French literature," Christian Union 9 (1889):
- "Galton's statistical methods," Publications of the American Statistical
Association, N.S. I, (1889): 331-334.
- "Ethics in the University of Michigan," Ethical Record 2 (1889): 145-148.
- "A College Course. What should I expect from it?," The Castalian, 5,
- "On some current conceptions of the term 'self'," Mind 15 (1890): 58-74.
- "Is logic a dualistic science?," Open Court 3, (1890): 2040-2043.
- "Review of Edward Carid, The Critical Philosophy of Immanuel Kant,"
Andover Review 13 (1890): 325-327.
- "Review of John Pentland Mahaffy and John Henry Bernard, Kant's Critical
Philosophy for English Readers," Andover Review 13 (1890): 328.
- "The logic of verification," Open Court, 4 (1890): 2225-2228.
- "Review of James MacBride Sterrett, Studies in Hegel's Philosophy of Religion,"
Andover Review 13 (1890): 684-685.
- "Philosophical courses at the University of Michigan," Monist 1, (1890):
- "Review of Johann Eduard Erdmann, A History of Philosophy," Andover
Review 13 (1890): 453-454.
- Outlines of a Critical Theory of Ethics. Ann Arbor: Register Publishing
Company, (1891).
- "Lectures vs. Recitations: A symposium," The Castalian 6 (1891): 65.
- "Moral theory and practice," International Journal of Ethics 1 (1891):
- Review of James Hutchins Baker, Elementary Psychology, with Practical
Applications to Education and the Conduct of Life," Educational Review
1 (1981): 495-496.
- "Poetry and philosophy," Andover Review, 16, (1891): 105-116.
- "The present position of logical theory," Monist 2, (1891): 1-17.
- "How do concepts arise from percepts?," Public School Journal, 11,
(1891): 128-130.
- "The scholastic and the speculator," The Inlander [University of
Michigan], 2 (1891): 145-148, 186-188.
- Introduction to Philosophy. Syllabus of Course 5. Ann Arbor: University
of Michigan (1892).
- "Review of Francis Howe Johnson, What is Reality? An Inquiry as to the
Reasonableness of Natural Religion and the Naturalness of Revealed Religion,"
The Islander 2, (1892): 282-283.
- "Review of Alfred John Church, The Story of the Odyssey," The
Inlander 2 (1892): 593-612.
- "Green's Theory of the Moral Motive," Philosophical Review, 1 (1892):
- "Two phases of Renan's life: the faith of 1850 and the doubt of 1890," Open
Court 4 (1892): 3505-3506.
- "Christianity and Democracy," In Religious Thought at the University of
Michigan. Ann Arbor: The Inland Press (1893): 62-69.
- "The relation of philosophy to theology," The Monthly Bulletin 16 (1893):
- "Review of Bernard Bosanquet, A History of Aesthetic," Philosophical
Review, 2, (1893): 63-69.
- "Renan's loss of faith in science," Open Court 7 (1893): 3512-3515.
- "The superstition of necessity," Monist 3 (1893): 362-379.
- "Anthropology and Law," The Inlander 3 (1893): 305-308.
- "Teaching Ethics in the high school," Educational Review 4 (1893):
- "Self-realization as the moral ideal," Philosophical Review 2, (1893):
- "Why study philosophy?," The Inlander 4 (1893): 106-109.
- The Study of Ethics: A syllabus. Ann Arbor: Register Publishing Company
- "Intuitionalism," In Johnson's Universal Cyclopedia, New York: D.
Appleton and Co. (1894): 657-659.
- "Moral philosophy," In Johnson's Universal Cyclopedia, New York: D.
Appleton and Co. (1894): 880-885.
- "Fred Newton Scott," The Oracle, 1894.
- "The psychology of infant language," Psychological Review 1 (1894):
- "Austin's theory of sovereignty," Political Science Quarterly 9, (1894):
- "The ego as cause," Philosophical Review 3, (1894): 337-341.
- "Reconstruction," The Monthly Bulletin 15, (1894): 149-156.
- "The chaos in moral training," Popular Science Monthly 45 (1894):
- "The theory of emotion. 1. Emotional attitudes," Psychological Review, 1
(1894): 553-569.
- "Review of James Bonar, Philosophy and Political Economy in Some of their
Historical Relations," Political Science Quarterly 9 (1894): 741-744.
- The Psychology of Number and its Application to Methods of Teaching
Arithmetic. With James A. McLellan. New York: D. Appleton and Company
- "The results of child-study applied to education," Transactions of the
Illinois Society for Child-Study 1, (1895): 18-19.
- "The Philosophic Renascence in America," Dial 18 (1895): 80-82.
- "The theory of emotion. 2. The significance of emotions," Psychological
Review, 2 (1895): 13-32.
- "Review of Johnson's Universal Cyclopedia," Psychological Review
2, (1895): 186-188.
- "Interest as related to Will," In National Herbart Society, Second Supplement
to the Herbart Year Book for 1895. Bloomington Illinois (1896): 209-255.
- "Interpretation of the culture-epoch theory," Public School Journal 15,
(1896): 233-36.
- "The reflex arc concept in psychology," University of Chicago Contributions
to Philosophy, 1, 39-52. Also published in Psychological Review 3,
(1896): 357-370.
- "Influence of the high school upon educational methods," School Review 4
(1896): 1-12.
- "The metaphysical method in ethics," Psychological Review 3, (1896):
- "Review of Sophie Willock Bryant, Studies in Character and John Watson,
Hedonistic Theories from Aristippus to Spencer," Psychological Review
3, (1896): 218-222.
- "Review of Levi Leonard Conant, The Number Concept: Its Origin and
Development," Psychological Review, 3 (1896): 326-329.
- "A pedagogical experiment," Kindergarten Magazine 8, (1896): 739-741.
- "Imagination and expression," Kindergarten Magazine 8, (1896): 61-69.
- "Pedagogy as a university discipline," University Record, 1, (1896):
353-355, 361-363.
- "Review of James Sully, Studies of Childhood," Science NS 4,
(1896): 500-502.
- "The University School," University Record 1, (1896): 417-419.
- "Ethical principles underlying education," In National Herbart Society, Third
Yearbook Chicago (1897): 7-34.
- "The significance of the problem of knowledge," University of Chicago
Contributions to Philosophy 1(3) (1897).
- My Pedagogic Creed. New York: E.L. Kellogg & Co. (1897).
- "The Aesthetic Element in Education." In National Education Association,
Addresses and Proceedings, (1897): 329-330, 346.
- "The Kindergarten and Child-study," In National Education Association,
Addresses and Proceedings, (1897): 867-868.
- "Criticisms, wise and otherwise, on modern child-study," In National Education
Association, Addresses and Proceedings, (1897): 867-868.
- "The psychology of effort," Philosophical Review 4, (1897): 43-56.
- "The psychological aspect of the school curriculum," Educational Review
13 (1897): 356-369.
- "The interpretation side of child-study," Transactions of the Illinois
Society for Child-Study 2, (1897): 17-27.
- "Report of the Committee on a detailed plan for a report on Elementary
Education," In National Education Association, Addresses and Proceedings,
(1898): 335-343.
- "Some remarks on the psychology of number," Pedagogical Seminary 5
(1898): 426-434.
- "Evolution and ethics," Monist 8 (1898): 321-341.
- "The Primary-education fetich," Forum 25, (1898): 315-328.
- "Review of William Torrey Harris, Psychologic Foundations of Education.
Educational Review 16, (1898): 1-14.
- "Review of James Mark Baldwin, Social and Ethical Interpretations in Mental
Development," Philosophical Review 7 (1898): 398-409.
- [Reply to Baldwin] Philosophical Review 7 (1898): 629-630.
- "Review of James Mark Baldwin, Social and Ethical Interpretations in Mental
Development," New World 7, (1898): 504-522.
- "Psychology and philosophic method," University [of California] Chronicle
2 (1899): 159-179.
- School and Society; being three lectures by John Dewey supplemented by a
statement of the University Elementary School. Edited by George H. Mead and
Helen C. Mead. Chicago: University of Chicago (1899).
- "Play and imagination in relation to early education," School Journal 58,
(1899): 589.
- "Principles of mental development as illustrated in early infancy,"
Transactions of the Illinois Society for Child-Study 4, (1899): 65-83.
- "Psychology and social practice," Psychological Review 7 (1900): 105-124.
- "Review of Josiah Royce, The World and the Individual: The Four
Historical Conceptions of Being," Philosophical Review 9 (1900):
- "Some stages of logical thought," Philosophical Review 9, (1900):
- "History of Philosophy," with Josiah Royce, pp.480 - 482 in James Mark Baldwin
(ed.) Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology Volume 1, New York:
Macmillan Company (1901).
- "The situation as regards the course of study," pp 332-348 in National Education
Association, Addresses and Proceeding (1901).
- "Are the schools doing what the people want them to do?." Educational Review,
21 (1901): 459-474.
- "The place of manual training in the elementary course of study," Manual
Training Magazine 2 (1901): 193-199.
- "Review of Josiah Royce, The World and the Individual: Nature, Man and the
Moral Order," Philosophical Review 11 (1902): 392-407.
- Entries in James Mark Baldwin (ed) Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology.
Vol II, New York: The Macmillan Co. (1902).
- "Mind in Philosophy," with James Mark Baldwin, pp 81-82.
- "Naturalism, in Art," with James Hayden Tufts, p 138.
- "Nature," p 138-141.
- "Nature, Philosophy of," p 142.
- "Necessity," p 143-145.
- "Neo-Criticism," p 149.
- "Neo-Platonism," p 150.
- "Nescience," p 167.
- "Nexus," p. 176.
- "Nisus," p. 178.
- "Noetic," p. 178-179.
- "Nominalism," p180.
- "Non-Being," p 180-181.
- "Noölogy," p 181-182
- "Norms and Normative, in the Moral Sciences," p 182.
- "Noumenon and Noumenal," p 184-185.
- "Nous," p 185-186.
- "Nullibrists," p 186.
- "Number, in Metaphysics," p 189.
- "Object and Objective, General and Philosophical," p 191-192.
- "Objectivisim," p 194.
- "One, The," p 201.
- "Ontological Argument," p 205.
- "Ontology," p 203-204.
- "Opinion," p 205.
- "Optimism and Pessimism," 210-212.
- "Organic," p 213.
- "Organism," p 218-219.
- "Outness," p 251.
- "Oversoul," p 252.
- "Palingenesis," p 254.
- "Panentheism," p 255.
- "Panlogism," p 255.
- "Panpneumatism," p 256.
- "Pansychism," p 256.
- "Pantheism," p 256-257.
- "Panthelism," p 257-258.
- "Parousia," p 263.
- "Passion and Passive," p 266-267.
- "Perpatetics," p 280
- "Permanence," p 280
- "Phase," p 288.
- "Phenomenalism," p 288.
- "Phenomenology," p 288-289.
- "Phenomenon," p 289
- "Philosophy," p 290-296
- "Phoronomy," 297
- "Pleroma," p 305
- "Pluralism," p 306.
- "Plurality," p 306.
- "Pneuma," p 307-308.
- "Pneumatology," p 308.
- "Posit," p 310-311.
- "Positive (3. Philosophical)," p 311.
- "Pre-established Harmony," p 329-330.
- "Presentationism," p 333.
- "Primary, Primitive, Primordial," p 340.
- "Primum Mobile," p 341.
- "Principle," p 341-342.
- "Quietism," p 412.
- "Rationalism," p 415-416.
- "Reals," p 424.
- "Relation," p 439-443.
- "Same, The and the Other," p 484-485.
- "Scepticism," p 489-490.
- "Schema," p 490.
- "Schematicism, p 490-491.
- "Schoasticism (The Schoolmen)," p 491-495.
- "Schopenhauerism (or Schopenhauereanism)." p 499
- "Scotism," p 503.
- "Sensationalism," p 515-517.
- "Singularism," p 533.
- "Speculation," p 568.
- "Statue of Condillac," p 601
- "Subject, Subjective," p 607-608.
- "Subjectivism," p. 611.
- "Substantiality Theory, or Substantialism," p 614.
- "Sui Generis," p 620.
- "Summists," p 620-621
- "Syncretism," p 655.
- "Transcendentalism," p 711.
- "Transient," p 712
- "Ubication," p 723
- "Understanding and Reason," p 725-726.
- "Unity and Plurality," p 734-736.
- "Universal and Universality," p 737-739.
- "Universal Postulate," p 741
- "Unthinkable," p 743.
- "Vacuum," p 747-748
- "World," p 821
- The Educational Situation. (University of Chicago Contributions to
Education, No. III) Chicago: University of Chicago, (1902).
- The Child and the Curriculum. (University of Chicago Contributions to
Education, No. V) Chicago: University of Chicago, (1902).
- "The School as social centre," in National Education Association, Addresses
and Proceedings, (1902): 373-383.
- "Academic freedom," Educational Review 23 (1902): 1-14.
- "Current problems in secondary school," School Review, 10 (1902): 13-28.
- "The evolutionary method as applied to morality. I. Its scientific necessity,"
Philosophical Review, 11 (1902): 107-124.
- "The evolutionary method as applied to morality. II. Its significance for
conduct," Philosophical Review 11 (1902): 353-371.
- "In rememberance: Francis W. Parker," Journal of Education 55, (1902):
- "Interpretation of savage mind," Psychological Review 9 (1902): 217-230.
- "Review of Lightner Witmer, Analytical Psychology," School Review
10 (1902): 412.
- "The battle for progress," Journal of Education 56 (1902): 249.
- Studies in Logical Theory. Chicago: University of Chicago (1903).
- "Logical conditions of a scientific treatment of morality," In Decennial
Publications of the University of Chicago, First Series Vol. 3 (1903):
- "Ethics," In The Americana Vol 7. New York: Scientific American (1903):
- "Religious education as conditioned by modern psychology and pedagogy."
Proceedings of the Religious Education Association, (1903): 60-66.
- "Introduction," Pp xi - xx in Irving Walter King, The Psychology of Child
Development. Chicago: University of Chicago (1903)
- "Psychological method in Ethics," Psychological Review 10 (1903):
- "The psychological and the logical in teaching geometry," Educational Review,
25 (1903): 387-399.
- "The organization and curricula of the College of Education," Elementary
School Teacher, 3 (1903): 727-728.
- "Review of Katharine Elizabeth Dopp, The Place of Industries in Elementary
Education," Elementary School Teacher 3, (1903): 727-728.
- "Emerson — the philosopher of democracy," International Journal of Ethics
13, (1903): 405-413.
- "Democracy in education," Elementary School Teacher 4, (1903): 193-204.
- Education, direct and indirect. Chicago (1904).
- "The Relation of theory to practice in education," National Society for the
Scientific Study of Education, Third Yearbook, (1904): 9-30.
- "Notes upon logical topics. 1. A classification of contemporary tendencies,"
Journal of Philosophy 1 (1904): 57-62.
- "Notes upon logical topics. 2. The meaning of the term "idea"," Journal of
Philosophy 1 (1904): 175-178.
- "The psychology of judgment," Psychological Bulletin 1 (1904): 44-45.
- "Significance of the School of Education," Elementary School Teacher 4,
(1904): 441-453.
- "The philosophical works of Herbert Spencer," Philosophical Review 13
(1904): 159-175.
- "Review of Wayland Richardson Benedict, World Views and their Ethical
Implications," International Journal of Ethics 14 (1904): 389-390.
- "Introduction of the Orator [Nicholas Murray Butler]," University Record
9 (1904): 12-13.
- "Review of Ferdinand Canning Scott Schiller, Humanism," Psychological
Bulletin, 1 (1904): 335-340.
- "Philosophy and American national life," Centennial Anniversary of the
Graduation of the First Class, July third to seventh, 1904, Burlington,
Vermont: University of Vermont (1905): 106-113.
- "The realism of pragmatism," Journal of Philosophy 2 (1905): 324-327.
- "The postulate of immediate empiricism," Journal of Philosophy 2 (1905):
- "Immediate empiricism," Journal of Philosophy 2 (1905): 597-599.
- "The knowledge experience and its relationships," Journal of Philosophy 2
(1905): 652-657.
- "The knowledge experience again," Journal of Philosophy 2 (1905):
- "Culture and industry in education," Proceedings of the Joint Convention of
the Eastern Art Teachers Association and the Eastern Manual Training Association
(1906): 21-30.
- "The terms 'conscious' and 'consciousness'," Journal of Philosophy 3,
(1906): 39-41.
- "Review of George Santayana, The Life of Reason (Vol 1 and 2),"
Science 23, (1906): 223-225.
- "Beliefs and realities," Philosophical Review 15, (1906): 113-119.
- "Reality as experience," Journal of Philosophy 3, (1906): 253-257.
- "The experimental theory of knowledge," Mind NS 15, (1906): 293-307.
- "Experience and objective idealism," Philosophical Review 15, (1906):
- The School and the Child; being selections from the educational essays of
John Dewey. J.J. Findlay (editor). London: Blackie & Sons (1907).
- "Review of A.S and E.M. Sidgwick, Henry Sidgwick, A memoir," Political
Science Quarterly, 22 (1907): 133-135.
- "The control of ideas by facts: I," Journal of Philosophy 4 (1907):
- "The control of ideas by facts: II," Journal of Philosophy 4 (1907):
- "The control of ideas by facts: III," Journal of Philosophy 4 (1907):
- "Review of Studies in Philosophy and Psychology by former students of Charles
Edward Garman," Philosophical Review 16 (1907): 284-290.
- "Education as a university study," Columbia University Quarterly 9,
(1907): 312-321.
- "Reality and the criterion for the truth of ideas," Mind NS 16, (1907):
- "Pure experience and reality: a disclaimer, Philosophical Review 16
(1907): 419-422.
- "Review of George Santayana, The Life of Reason, Vol. 1 and 2,"
Educational Review 34 9 (1907): 116-129.
- Ethics. New York: Columbia University Press. (1908).
- Ethics. Co-authored with James Hayden Tufts. New York: Henry Holt & Co.
- "Does reality possess a practical character," In Essays, Philosophical and
Psychological, in honor of william James, Professor in Harvard University, by
his Colleagues at Columbia Univeristy. New York: Longmansm, Green and Co.,
(1908): 53-80.
- "What does pragmatism mean by practical?," Journal of Philosophy 5,
(1908): 85-99.
- "Religion and our schools," Hibbert Journal 6 (1908): 796-809.
- "The logical character of ideas," Journal of Philosophy 5 (1908):
- "The bearings of pragmatism upon education: I," Progressive Journal of
Education I (1908 ): 1-3.
- "The bearings of pragmatism upon education: II," Progressive Journal of
Education I (1908 iii):i, 5-8.
- "The bearings of pragmatism upon education: III," Progressive Journal of
Education I (1908 iv): , 6-7.
- Moral Principles in Education. (Riverside Educational Monographs) Boston:
Houghton, Mofflin Co. (1909)
- The Pragmatic Movement of Contemporary Thought: a syllabus," New York:
- "Objects, data and existences," Journal of Philosophy 6 (1909): 13-21.
- "History ofr the educator," Progressive Journal of Education, 1 (1909 v):
- "Discussion of Realism and Idealism," Philosophical Review 18 (1909):
- "Symposium on the purpose and organization of physics teaching in secondary
schools, XIII," School Science and Mathematics 9, (1909): 291-292.
- "[Discussion on the concept of a sensation]," Journal of Philosophy 6
(1909): 211-212.
- "Teaching that does not education," Progressive Journal of Education I
(1909 viii)) 1-3.
- "Is nature good? a conversation," Hibbert Journal 7 (1909): 827-843.
- "Review of Albert Schinz, Anti-pragmatisme," Philosophical Review
18 (1909): 446-449.
- "Darwin's influence on philosophy," Popular Science Monthly 75 (1909):
- "The dilemma of the intellectualist theory of truth," Journal of Philosophy
6 (1909): 433-434.
- "The moral significance of the common schools studies," Topics for General
Sessions: Moral and Religious Training in the Public Schools (1909): 21-27.
- How we think. Boston: D.C. Heath & Co. (1910).
- The Influence of Darwin on Philosophy and Other Essays in Contemporary
Thought. New York: Henry Holt and Co. (1910).
- Educational Essays. Edited by J. H. Findlay. London: Blackie and Son
- "Science as subject matter and as method," Science NS 31 (1910): 121-127.
- "Review of Hugo Münsterberg, The Eternal Values," Philosophical Review
19 (1910): 188-192.
- "Valid knowledge and the 'subjectivity of experience'," Journal of
Philosophy 7 (1910): 169-174.
- "Some implications of anti-intellectualism," Journal of Philosophy 7
(1910): 477-481.
- "William James," Independent 69 (1910): 533-536.
- "William James," Journal of Philosophy 7 (1910): 505-508.
- "The short-cut to realism examined," Journal of Philosophy 7 (1910):
- Articles in A Cyclopedia of Education edited by Paul Monroe. New York:
The Macmillan Company (1911).
In Volume I
- Abstraction, p 14.
- Accommodation, p 24-25.
- Activity, Logical theory and educational implications of, p 33-34.
- Adaptation, p 35.
- Adjustment, p 38-39.
- Altruism and Egoism, p 105-106.
- Analogy, Logic of , p. 116.
- Analysis and Synthesis, p 117-119.
- Art in education, p 223-225.
- Causation, p 553-554.
- Character, p 569-572.
In Volume II
- Comparison, p 163.
- Conception, p 171-172.
- Concrete and abstract, p 173.
- Conduct, p 175.
- Conflict, p 175.
- Control, p176.
- Course of study, Theory of, p 218-222.
- Culture and culture values, p 238-240.
- Culture Epoch theory, p 240-242.
- Custom, p 243-244.
- Deduction, p 275
- Definition, p 280-281
- Democracy and education, p 319-320.
- Demonstration, p 294.
- Determinism, 318
- Development, p 319-320
- Dialectic, p 321-322.
- Didactics, p 327
- Discipline, p 336
- Dualism, p 374
- Dynamic, p 380
- Education, p 398-401.
- Education and instruction, p 411
- Effort, p 421-422
- End in Education, p 451
- Environment and Organism, p 486-487.
- Epistemology, p 491
- Evidence, p 428
- Evolution: the philosophical concepts, p 528 - 529
- Experience and the empirical, p 546-549
- Experiment in education, p 550-551
- Experimentation, Logic of, 554-555.
- Explanation, p 555.
- External Object, p 559.
- Fact, p 567 - 568.
- Form and content, p641-642
- Freedom, academic, p 700-701
- Freedom of Will, p 705-706
- Function, 723-724
- "Rejoinder to Dr. Spaulding," Journal of Philosophy 8 (1911): 77-79.
- "The problem of truth. I. Why is truth a problem?" Old Penn, Weekly Review of
the University of Pennsylvania 9 (1911): 522-528.
- "The problem of truth. II. Truth and consequences" Old Penn, Weekly Review of
the University of Pennsylvania 9 (1911): 556-563.
- "The problem of truth. I. Objective truths" Old Penn, Weekly Review of the
University of Pennsylvania 9 (1911): 620-625.
- "Is co-education injurious to girls?," Ladies Home Journal 28 (1911):
- "Maeterlinck's philosophy of life," Hibbert Journal 9 (1911): 765-778.
- "Brief studies in realism. I. Naïve realism vs presentative realism,"
Journal of Philosophy 8 (1911): 393-400.
- "Brief studies in realism. II Epistemological realism: the alleged ubiquity of
the knowledge relation," Journal of Philosophy 8 (1911): 546-554.
- "The study of philosophy," Columbia Monthly 7 (1911): 367-368.
- Articles in A Cyclopedia of Education, Vol III edited by Paul Monroe. New
York: Macmillan Co. (1912)
- Generalization, p 15
- Harmony, harmonious development, p 217
- Hedonism, p 242-243
- Humanism and naturalism, p 338-340.
- Humanities, p 340
- Hypothesis, p 363-364
- Idea and ideation, p 370-371
- Imitation in education, p 389-390
- Individuality, p 421-422
- Induction and deduction, 422-424
- Infancy, theory of, in education, p 445-446
- Inference, p 455
- Information, p 455- 456
- Initiative, p 457
- Innate idea, p 458-459
- Interest, p 472-475
- Intuition, p 480
- Isolation, p 499
- Judgment, p 571-572
- Knowledge, p 611-613
- Law, p 655-656
- "Reply to Professor Royce's critique of instrumentalism," Philosophical
Review, 21 (1912): 69-81.
- "A reply to Professor McGilvary's questions," Journal of Philosophy 9
(1912): 19-21.
- "A trenchant attack on logic," Independent 73 (1912): 203-205.
- "In response to Professor McGilvary," Journal of Philosophy 9 (1912):
- "Review of Hugh Samuel Roger Elliott, Modern Science and the Illusions of
Professor Bergson," Philosophical Review 21 (1912): 705-707.
- "Perception and organic action," Journal of Philosophy 9 (1912): 645-668.
- "L'Education au point de vue social," L'Année pédagogique 3 (1913):
- Interest and Effort in Education. Boston: Houghton Mifflin (1913).
- "Should Michigan have vocational education under "unit"or "dual" control?," In
National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education, Bulletin 18 .
Peoria, Illinois (1913): 27-34.
- "Introduction," In A Contribution to a Bibliography of Henri Bergson by
Isadore Gilbert Mudge. New York: Columbia University Press (1913): ix - xiii.
- "Introduction," In Directory of the Trades and Occupations Taught at the Day
and Evening Schools in Greater New York. New York: Henry Street Settlement
(1913): 2-3.
- Articles in A Cyclopedia of Education Vol IV edited by Paul Monroe. New
York: Macmillan (1913)
- Liberal Education, p 4-6
- Many-sided interest, p 129
- Materialism, p 158
- Metaphysics, p 202
- Method, p 202 - 205
- Monism, p 296
- Morality and moral sense, p 314
- Nativism, p 386
- Nature, p 387-389
- Neo-Humanism, p 408
- Opinion, p 552
- Optimism, p 552-553.
- Pantheism, p 598
- Pedantry, p 622-623
- Personality, p 649-650
- Pessimism, p 654 - 655
- Philosophy of education, p 697-703
- Plato, p 722 -725
- Play, p 725-727
- Pluralism, p 730
- Articles in A Cyclopedia of Education Vol V edited by Paul Monroe., New
York: Macmillan (1913)
- Positivism, p 18-19
- Pragmatism, p 22-24
- Problem, p 47
- Process, p 49
- Progress, p 51-52
- Proposition, p 54
- Rationalism, p 109
- Scientific method, p 292-293
- Self, 317-319
- Self-consciousness, 319-320
- Sensationalism, 324-325
- Stimulus and response, 422
- Subject, p 446-447
- Syllogism, p 492-493
- System, p 496
- Term, p 566
- Theism, p 581
- Theory and practice, p 606-607
- Tradition, p 621
- Transcendentalism, p 622-623
- Truth, p 632-633
- Universal, p 651
- Utilitarianism, p 700
- Validity, p 703
- Values, educational, p 704-705
- "An undemocratic proposal," American Teacher 2 (1913): 2-4.
- "Some dangers in the present movement for industrial education," Child Labor
Bulletin 1 (1913 iv): 69-74.
- "Industrial education and democracy," Survey 29 (1913): 870-871, 893.
- "The problem of values," Journal of Philosophy 10, (1913): 268-269.
- "Cut-and-try school methods," Survey 30 (1913): 691-692.
- "Professional spirit among teachers," American Teacher 2 (1913): 114-116.
- "Reasoning in early childhood," Teachers College Record, 15 (1914): 9-15.
- "Report on the Fairhope [Alabama] experiment in organic education," Survey
32 (1914): 199.
- "Psychological doctrine and philosophical teaching," Journal of Philosophy
11, (1914): 505-511.
- "Nature and reason in law," International Journal of Ethics 25 (1914):
- "A policy of industrial education," New Republic 1 (1914): 11-12.
- German Philosophy and Politics. New York: Henry Holt & Co. (1915).
- Schools of Tomorrow with Evelyn Dewey. New York: E.P. Dutton (1915).
- "Introductory Address," Science NS 41 (1915): 147-151.
- "Industrial Education — a wrong kind," New Republic 2 (1915): 178-180.
- "Splitting up the school system," New Republic 2 (1915): 283-284.
- "The subject matter of metaphysical inquiry," Journal of Philosophy 12
(1915): 337-345.
- "The existence of the world as a problem," Philosophical Review 24
(1915): 337-345.
- "The logic of judgments in practice. I Their nature and II. Judgments of value,"
Journal of Philosophy 12 (1915): 505-523.
- "The logic of judgments in practice. III Sense-Perception as knowledge,"
Journal of Philosophy 12 (1915): 533-543.
- "Annual address of the President," Bulletin of the American Association of
University Professors 1, (1915): 9-13.
- Democracy and Education: An introduction to the philosophy of education.
New York: The Macmillan Company, (1916).
- Essays in Experimental Logic. Chicago: University of Chicago (1916).
- "Nationalizing Education," Journal of the National Education Association,
1(ii) (1916): 183-189.
- "Method in science-teaching," Journal of the National Education Association
1 (1916): 725-730.
- "Force, violence and the law," New Republic 5 (1916): 295-297.
- "On understanding the mind of Germany," Atlantic Monthly, 117 (1916):
- "The need of an industrial education in an industrial democracy," Manual
Training 17 (1916): 409-414.
- "Organization in American education," Teachers College Record 17 (1916):
- "Vocational education," New Republic 6 (1916): 159-160.
- "Progress," International Journal of Ethics 26 (1916): 311-322.
- "Force and coercion," International Journal of Ethics 26 (1916): 359-367.
- "Our educational ideal in wartime," New Republic 6 (1916): 283-284.
- "Universal service as education," New Republic 6 (1916): 309-310,
- "Voluntarism in the Roycean Philosophy," Philosophical Review 25 (1916):
- "The school and social preparedness," New Republic 7 (1916): 15-16.
- "American education and culture," New Republic 7 (1916): 215-316.
- "Professional organization of teachers," American Teacher 5 (1916):
- "The Hughes Campaign," New Republic 8 (1916)" 319-321.
- "The tragedy of the German soul," New Republic 8 (1916): 155-156.
- "The pragmatism of Peirce," Journal of Philosophy 13 (1916): 709-715.
- Enlistment for the Farm. New York: Columbia University, (1916).
- "Prospective elementary education," in Louis Win Rapeer's Teaching Elementary
School Subjects. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons (1917): 552-569.
- "The need for a recovery of philosophy," In Creative Intelligence,
Essays in the Pragmatic Attitude. New York: Henry Holt & Co. (1917): 3-69.
- [George Sylvester Morris: An estimate] In Robert Mark Wenley's The Life and
Work of George Sylvester Morris. New York: Macmillan (1917): 313-321.
- "Experiment in education," New Republic 10 (1917): 15-16.
- "The concept of the neutral in recent epistemology," Journal of Philosophy
14 (1917): 161-163.
- "Learning to earn: The place of vocational education in a comprehensive scheme
of public education," School and Society, 5 (1917): 331-335.
- "Current tendencies in education," Dial 57 (1917): 287-289.
- "Federal aid to elementary education," Child Labor Bulletin 6 (1917):
- "In a time of national hesitation," Seven Arts Magazine 2 (1917): 3-7.
- "The need for social psychology," Psychological Review 24 (1917):
- "H.G. Wells, theological assembler," Seven Arts Magazine 2 (1917):
- "Conscience and compulsion," New Republic 9 (1917): 297-298.
- "The future of pacifism," New Republic 11 (1917): 358-360.
- "What America will fight for," New Republic 12 (1917): 68-69.
- "Duality and dualism," Journal of Philosophy, 14 (1917): 491-493.
- "Conscription of thought," New Republic 12 (1917): 128-130.
- "War activities for civilians," New Republic 12 (1917): 139-140.
- "Fiat Justitia, Ruat Coelum (sic)," New Republic 12 (1917): 237-238.
- "The principle of nationality," Menorah Journal 3 (1917): 203-208.
- "The case of the professor and the public interest," Dial 62 (1917):
- "Public education on trial," New Republic 13 (1917): 133-138.
- "Democracy and loyalty in the schools," American Teacher, 7 (1918): 8-10.
- Confidential Report: Conditions among the Poles in the United States.
Washington (1918).
- "The motivation of Hobbe's political philosophy," In Studies in the History
of Ideas. New York: Columbia University (1918): 88-115.
- "Vocational education in the light of the world war," Vocational Education
Association of the Mid West, Bulletin 4 (1918).
- "Introductory Word," in Frederick Matthias Alexander, Man's Supreme
Inheritance New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. (1918): xiii-xvii.
- "Concerning alleged immediate knowledge of mind," Journal of Philosophy
15 (1918): 29-35.
- "America in the World," Nation 56 (1918): 287.
- "Morals and the conduct of statesmen," New Republic 14 (1918): 232-234.
- "Internal social reorganization after the war," Journal of Race Develoopment
8 (1918): 385-400.
- "A new social science," New Republic 14 (1918): 292-294.
- "Education and social direction," Dial 64 (1918): 333-335.
- "Political science as a recluse," New Republic 14 (1918): 383-384.
- "The objects of valuation," Journal of Philosophy 15 (1918): 253-258.
- "What are we fighting for?," Independent 94 (1918): 480-483.
- "Autocracy under cover," New Republic 16 (1918): 103-106.
- "The approach to a League of Nations," Dial 65 (1918): 341-342.
- "Creative industry," New Republic 17 (1918): 20-23.
- "The cult of irrationality," New Republic 17 (1918): 34-35.
- "The League of Nations and the new diplomacy," Dial 65 (1918): 34-35.
- "The fourteen points and the League of Nations," Dial 65 (1918): 463-464.
- "The post-war mind," New Republic, 17 (1918): 157-159.
- "A League of Nations and economic freedom," Dial 65 (1918): 537-539.
- "The new paternalism," New Republic 17 (1918): 216-217.
- The Psychology of Drawing —Imagination and Expression— Culture and Industry
in Education. (Teachers College Bulletin, Series 10, No. 10) New York:
Teachers College, Columbia University (1919).
- "Philosophy and democracy," University [of California] Chronicle 21
(1919): 39-54.
- "Theodore Roosevelt," Dial 66 (1919): 115-117.
- "Review of Robert Mark Wenley, Life and Work of George Sylvester Morris,"
Philosophical Review 28 (1919): 212-213.
- "Japan and America," Dial 66 (1919): 501-503.
- "Dewey's lectures in Japan," Journal of Philosophy 16 (1919): 357-364.
- "On two sides of the Eastern Sea," New Republic 19 (1919): 346-348.
- "The student revolt in China," New Republic 20 (1919):16-18.
- "The international duel in China," New Republic 20 (1919): 110-112.
- "Militarism in China," New Republic 20 (1919): 167-169.
- "Liberalism in Japan. I. The intellectual preparation," Dial 67 (1919):
- "Liberalism in Japan. II. The economic factor," Dial 67 (1919): 333-337.
- "Liberalism in Japan. III. The chief foe," Dial 67 (1919): 369-371.
- "The discrediting of idealism," New Republic 20 (1919): 285-287.
- "Transforming the mind of China," Asia 19 (1919): 285-287.
- "Chinese national sentiment," Asia 19 (1919): 1103-1108.
- "The American opportunity in China," New Republic 21 (1919): 14-17.
- "Our share in drugging China," New Republic 21 (1919): 114-117.
- Reconstruction in Philosophy. New York: Henry Holt (1920).
- Letters from China and Japan. (with Alice Chipman Dewey, edited by Evelyn
Dewey). New York: E.P. Dutton (1920).
- [Dewey's Speeches in Fukien] Fukien: Board of Education (1920) in
- [Five Lectures of Dewey] Peking: Morning Post (1920) in Chinese
- "The sequel of the student revolt," New Republic 21 (1920): 380-382.
- "Shantung, as seen from within," New Republic 22 (1920): 12-17.
- "Our national dilemma," New Republic 22 (1920): 117-118.
- "The new leaven in Chinese Politics," Asia 20 (1920): 267-272.
- "What holds China back," Asia 20 (1920): 372-377.
- "Freedom of thought and work," New Republic 23 (1920): 316-317.
- "Americanism and localism," Dial 68 (1920): 684-688.
- "China's nightmare," New Republic 23 (1920): 145-147.
- "How reaction helps," New Republic 24 (1920): 21-22.
- "A political upheaval in China," New Republic 24 (1920): 142-144.
- "Industrial China," New Republic 25 (1920): 39-41.
- "Aims and ideals of education." in Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Education,
Vol I., edited by Foster Watson, London (1921).
- China, Japan and the USA Present-Day Conditions in the Far East and Their
Bearing on the Washing Conference. New York: Republic Publishing Co., (1921)
- The Alexander-Dewey Arithmetic, by Georgina Alexander, edited by John
Dewey, 3 volumes. New York: Longman, Green and Co. (1921)
- "First introduction," in Scudder Klyce, Universe. Winchester, Mass: S.
Klyce (1921).
- "Racial prejudice and friction," Chinese Social and Political Science Review,
6 (1921): 1-17.
- "Is China a nation?," New Republic, 25, (1921): 220-223.
- "Social absolutism," New Republic, 25 (1921): 315-318.
- "The far eastern deadlock," New Republic 26 (1921): 71-74.
- "The consortium in China," New Republic 26 (1921): 178-180.
- "Old China and new," Asia 21 (1921): 445-450, 454, 456.
- "New culture in China," Asia 21 (1921): 581-586, 642.
- "Hinterlands in China," New Republic 27 (1921): 162-165.
- "Divided China, Part I," New Republic 27 (1921): 212-215.
- "Divided China, Part II," New Republic 27 (1921) 235-237.
- "Tenth anniversary of the Republic of China: A message," China Review, 28
(1921): 171.
- "Federalism in China," New Republic 28 (1921): 176-178.
- "China and Disarmament," Chinese Students' Monthly, 17 (1921) 16-17.
- "The parting of the ways for America, I," New Republic 28 (1921):283-286.
- "The parting of the ways for America, I," New Republic 28 (1921):
- Articles for the Baltimore Sun
- "The issues at Washington, I Causes of international friction," Nov. 14 1921
- "The issues at Washington, II. The Anglo-Japanese Alliance and the United
States",. Nov. 15, 1921.
- "The issues at Washington, III. China's interest," Nov 16, 1921.
- "The issues at Washington, IV. Suggested measures," Nov. 17, 1921.
- "Shrewd tactics are shown in Chinese plea.," Nov. 18, 1921.
- "Four principles for China regarded as but framework," Nov 23 1921.
- "Underground burrows must be dug open," Nov 29, 1921
- "Angles of Shantung question," Dec 5 1921
- "Chinese resignation seems unsportsmanlike to Americans but a matter of habit
with them," 9 Dec 1921
- "Three results of treaty," Dec 11 1921
- "A few second thoughts on Four-power pact," 17 Dec 1921.
- "Public opinion in Japan," New Republic 28 supplement (1921): 14-18
- "Classicism as an evangel," Journal of Philosophy 17 (1921): 664-666.
- "The conference and a happy ending," New Republic, 29 (1921): 27-29
- "Education by Henry Adams," New Republic 29 (1921): 102-103.
Books about John Dewey
Works about John Dewey,
1886-1995, by Barbara Levine. (1995)
The definitive bibliography of secondary literature on Dewey.
The Center for Dewey Studies provides a update list of additional works
about Dewey.
The Philosophy of John Dewey.
Volume One of The Library of
Living Philosophers Series. (1939. 3rd ed., 1989)
Contains the most comprehensive bibliography of Dewey's writings.
Selected works on a variety of aspects of Dewey's philosophy
----Just a sampling of the enormous commentary on Dewey of recent years. See the Dewey
Center's Works about Dewey 1995-present.
- John Dewey's Pragmatic Technology by Larry Hickman (1990)
- Philosophy and the Reconstruction of Culture: Pragmatic Essays after Dewey
edited by John Stuhr (1993)
- John Dewey and American Democracy by Robert Westbrook (1993)
- Dewey's New Logic: A Reply to Russell by Tom Burke (1994)
- The Promise of Pragmatism by John Patrick Diggins. (1994)
- John Dewey: Religious Faith and Democratic Humanism by Steven Rockefeller
- Understanding John Dewey by James Campbell (1995)
- John Dewey and the High Tide of American Liberalism by Alan Ryan (1995)
- Dewey's Ethical Theory by Jennifer Welchman (1995)
- John Dewey: Rethinking Our Time by Raymond Boisvert (1997)
- Transforming Experience: John Dewey's Cultural Instrumentalism by Michael
Eldridge (1998)
- John Dewey: America's Philosopher of Democracy by David Fott (1998)
- John Dewey and the Lessons of Art by Philip Jackson (1998)
- Dewey Reconfigured: Essays on Deweyan Pragmatism edited by Casey Haskins and
David Seiple (1999)
- Dewey's Empirical Theory of Knowledge and Reality by John Shook (2000)
- Philosophical Tools for Technological Culture: Putting Pragmatism to Work by
Larry Hickman (2001)
- Dewey's Logical Theory: New Studies and Interpretations edited by Burke,
Hester, and Talisse (2002)
- John Dewey and Moral Imagination: Pragmatism in Ethics by Steven Fesmire (2003)
- Democratic Hope: Pragmatism and the Politics of Truth by Robert Westbrook (2005)
- Inquiry And Education: John Dewey And the Quest for Democracy by James Johnston (2006)
- John Dewey’s Ethics: Democracy as Experience by Gregory Fernando Pappas (2008)
Websites about John Dewey
Books and
articles by John Dewey from 1886 to 1916.
Democracy and
Education (1916).
My Pedagogic
Creed, by John Dewey - Early essay by John Dewey outlining his theory of
education. Progressive education in brief.
Impressions of Soviet Russia, by John Dewey - Complete text of the first six
chapters of Dewey’s book, covering Dewey’s visit to Soviet Russia in 1928.
Inquiry into
charges against Trotsky - A complete transcription of the famous commission
Dewey chaired in 1937, held in Mexico: “The Case of Leon Trotsky, Report of
hearings by the Preliminary Commission of Inquiry into the charges made against
him in the Moscow trials.”
The Humanist Manifesto (1933)
signed by John Dewey.
Center for Dewey Studies at Southern Illinois University. Larry Hickman,
Manuscript Collections at the Morris Library, Southern Illinois
University. The John Dewey Papers are located here, along with the papers of many other
pragmatists and progressive educators.
Chronology of Dewey's Life and Works provided by the Dewey Center.
Discussion Group explained by Tom Burke at the University of South Carolina. by
David Hildebrand.
Moral Philosophy by Elizabeth Anderson at the Stanford Encyclopedia of
Dewey's Aesthetics by Tom Leddy
at the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Political Philosophy by Matthew Festenstein
at the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Dewey, article by Jim Garrison at the Encyclopaedia of Philosophy of Education
John Dewey,
by Richard Field at the Internet Encyclopedia of Encyclopedia
and Action: John Dewey at the University of Michigan" by Brian Williams
John Dewey in
Hamburg / Germany by Glen Pate. A collection of materials relating to the strange
history of the Dewey reception in Germany.
John Dewey
by Pam Ecker for the American Culture Studies project, "The American 1890s: A
Chronology," at Bowling Green State University. Includes links to pages about Dewey
and pragmatism, and progressive education.
Essays on Dewey's political philosophy by Gordon L. Ziniewicz.
John Dewey: American Pragmatic
Philosopher by Shawn Olsen
John Dewey: Philosophy of Education
The Philosophy of
Education Society.
The John Dewey
Society for the Study of Education and Culture.
Educational Theory
publishes work in the philosophy of education and other disciplines. The journal is
co-sponsored by the John Dewey Society, the Philosophy of Education Society, and the
Colleges of Education at the University of Illinois, Urbana/Champaign and the University
of Illinois, Chicago.
and Culture: The Journal of the John Dewey Society
University of Chicago's Laboratory Schools.
The Center for Educational Outreach and Innovation at Teacher's College,
Columbia University.
The John Dewey Project
on Progressive Education at the University of Vermont.
John Dewey and the Alexander Technique.
John Dewey and F. Matthias Alexander Homepage.
The Unknown
Dewey: John Dewey vs. the Alexander Technique